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TRES Curaçao now has 9 instructed persons for working in the vicinity zone of the Aqualectra overhea

Some companies don’t own electrical systems, but still they have to work in the vicinity of these networks. TRES Curaçao is one of these companies. On the island of Curaçao they are a provider of information and communication, such as internet. In some situations TRES wants to use the existing infra structure to install their cables in the existing poles with low- or even high voltage lines.

Aqualectra, the local owner of this infra structure, demands that people working close to their systems are instructed on a certain level. HVST an Bepect are also training the people of Aqualectra and they contacted us to train the TRES people as well.

The people of TRES now are aware of the special risks when working in the vicinity zone of electrical installations. This is a guarantee for Aqualectra that the people of TRES will not cause any dangerous situations.


The TRES team at the Aqualectra training center at Nijlweg.

The training was an eye opener for all of them, so it as very successful.


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