Assembly of high voltage joints and terminations
In cooperation with Alta-Tensio.
Since the end of 2016, HVST Caribbean provides specific assembly training of high voltage joints and terminations together with Alta-Tensio.
Dick Pasterkamp is a very experienced teacher who has more than 35 experience in the assembly of electrical installations.
We have made a very nice and clear training manual together with Dick so that the participants can look at the theoretical background of the assembly practice after their training. The theoretical background is very important in this case!
The most important theory is the one of electrical fields. A technician can only make a good joint or termination if he has a good knowledge of the theoretical background. Further, it's important which materials are required for stress control and which for insulation.
Torques and connections are also very important as they are vital to minimize contact resistance.
We operate up to tensions of 66kV, which are the local Caribbean voltages. We work with paper-lead cables, plastic cable, heat shrink or cold shrink techniques.
Every training takes several days and will be finished with a practical appraisal and theoretical exam.
Those that pass the exam receive a certificate for proven competence.