Exams Bepect Ltd.

In case personnel follows a training in operation of electrical installations, then it makes sense to have a certified exam. Bepect Ltd. provides these type of exams. Bepect Ltd. operates according to certification schemes and procedures which are transparent. The quality of the exams is guaranteed by Bepect Ltd.'s certified ISO 9001:2008 quality system. KIWA Netherlands, unit Surinam & Caribbean, monitors this system.
Bepect Ltd. works with free lance examiners that have lots of practical experience working in electrical installations and have completed a high education. These examiners all are from the Caribbean, which is a social objective of Bepect Lts.; we like to have a Caribbean system for the region.
It's Bepect Ltd's objective to test the candidates in a practical manner in line with their daily operations. After the exam the candidates can look back to a valuable training period.
This exam is important for clients because they can make clear to the outside world that their personnel is competent.
We take care of the exams of the candidates.
Exam Documents
The documents below can be downloaded.